Monday, August 22, 2011
My hero! Ryan Gosling (or, at least, someone that looks a lot like him) breaks up a fight in NYC
You’d be hard-pressed to find a better analogy for life in New York City (well, other than every episode of Louie) than this new viral video, which is making the rounds today: One minute you’re getting your butt kicked in the middle of a busy downtown Manhattan street, the next Ryan Gosling (or at least someone that looks very much like him) swoops in with his bravery and handsomeness to save you. (EW contacted Gosling’s publicist, who could not be reached in time for comment.)
The incident, which was caught on camera by some very amused youths, finds two men having a physical scuffle in the middle of the street. While it appears some good Samaritans were trying to intervene and break up the altercation, a real guy — namely “the guy … from The Notebook” — was needed to get the job done. Though Alleged Gosling’s superhero garb didn’t include tights (if only) or a cape, he did have some superhero strength (who needs real guns when you’ve got those guns?) and managed to stop the fight. Whether or not this is or isn’t Gosling, it’s comforting to know that not only does the Drive star live here and could come to your rescue at any moment, his crime-fighting doppelgänger could as well. I love New York.